Story ofL’Oubliette

L’Oubliette sweeps audiences up on yet another imaginative clown adventure perfect for young and old—an incredible tale that pits the desire for comfort and security against dreams of freedom and adventure. It’s a story of friendship where off-the-wall instruments and percussive dance are front and center. As masters of non-verbal language and physical theatre, the clowns make the public laugh, think, and feel.

In L’Oubliette, two clowns have been unjustly locked away in a dungeon, where every day is an exact repetition of the day before. Each step, each gesture is precisely orchestrated, punctuating their daily routine. And everything in their little cell has its place, from the toilet and sink to the fitness machine and the bed that is too small. One of the two clowns takes advantage of his cellmate’s naïve and forgetful nature, immediately sparking reactions from young audience members. For these two harmless mischief makers, who are constantly playing tricks and stealing from each other, routine always takes over again until the lights go out for yet another quiet night.

But surprise! One morning, a new prisoner appears in the cell. Charming and cheeky, she arrives with a suitcase packed with a motley collection of feminine accessories that soon cover the whole cell. Even more disconcerting, she brings new ideas that upset her cellmate’s clockwork daily routine. They must now take into account this strange dreamer, who prefers improvisation to routine and dance steps to military steps. Can she make them realize that they are their very own jailkeepers, and that only dreams, friendship and bold ideas hold the key to freedom?



Team :


Thanks to everyone who helped and contributed to making this show a success!

Théâtre À Tempo’s goal is to create and produce inter-disciplinary shows using RYTHM, MOVEMENT and CLOWNISH PLAY..

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236 d'Orléans,
Québec, QC,
G1E 6V5